Ghost Walker

Ghost Walker

Oyunçuların qiyməti
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Ghost Walker — Playhop
Oyun Ghost Walker

Oyun Ghost Walker

Oyunçuların qiyməti
Oyuna başladıqda bu şərtləri qəbul edirsiniz: lisenziya müqaviləsi
Login ilə daxil olan zaman oyundakı gedişat və nailiyyətlər etibarlı şəkildə saxlanılacaq

Oyun haqqında

Ghost Walker is a game about a ninja who is out to hunt for reputable bandit leaders. This game will amaze you with cool ninja controls in Slow Motion and dynamism. Your main task is to destroy the bosses. And whether you will kill their entire team while you make your way to them, or go without bloodshed, is up to you. In this game, you will fully feel like an unsurpassed, elusive, super-dexterous, and strong master of melee weapons. Key features of the game: - Dynamic battles in Slow Motion - Lots of weapons - Cool assassin skins to choose from - Lots of bosses and enemies Try to experience this incredible feeling of elusiveness yourself, defeat all the bandits without a single scratch, and become a legend.

Oynama qaydası

The controls in this game are very simple! On the computer: Hold the cursor on the screen and move in the direction you want to move. On mobile: Touch the screen and swipe in the direction you want to move.

Oyun haqqında məlumat

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Giriş dəstəyi
Çin dili, İtalyan dili, Alman dili, İndoneziya dili, Fransız dili, Yapon dili, Türk dili, Hindi dili, Ərəb dili, İspan dili, Portuqal dili, İngilis dili, Rus dili
Ekranın istiqaməti
Buraxılış tarixi
19 noy 2022
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