Mage's Secret

Mage's Secret

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Mage's Secret — Playhop
Oyun Mage's Secret

Oyun Mage's Secret

Oyunçuların qiyməti
Oyuna başladıqda bu şərtləri qəbul edirsiniz: lisenziya müqaviləsi
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Oyun haqqında

Unite amazing monsters to sacrifice them (use the Magic Cauldron for this) or pit them against each other (use another poor monster for this :) With each completed task, your magical power will grow, and with it the size of the playing field! In your gaming session, you will have to think about every action, because your resources are limited, think about what monsters you want to summon right now and how to place them on the playing field! Game Features: -OVER 70 MONSTERS that can be summoned and combined. A real magician knows that different monsters are a source of different powers: souls, energy, and some are good in battle; -Use any source for your magical needs: graves, sacred trees, demonic portals and more. -Create monsters with a wave of your hand, like a COOL MAG; -The potential of your magic is not limited: be careful with legendary monsters.

Oynama qaydası

The goal of the game is to unravel the main mystery of the magician by completing more than 100 tasks, fighting and uniting various monsters. Players will have to gradually increase their magical power, thinking about every action and effectively managing resources. Control: left mouse button/touch.

Oyun haqqında məlumat

Yaş reytinqi
Giriş dəstəyi
İngilis dili, Rus dili
Ekranın istiqaməti
Buraxılış tarixi
11 okt 2024
Bulud saxlamaları
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