Guess the number

Guess the number

Inicieu sessiĆ³ amb el vostre nom d'usuari per guardar de forma fiable el progrĆ©s i els ĆØxits del joc
Guess the number ā€” Playhop
Guess the number

Guess the number

Per comenƧar el joc, vostĆØ accepta els termes i condicions de la acord de llicĆØncia
Inicieu sessiĆ³ amb el vostre nom d'usuari per guardar de forma fiable el progrĆ©s i els ĆØxits del joc

Sobre el joc

A quiz in which you have to answer questions using numbers. In single player mode, answer as many questions as possible to rank at the top. You can also play in multiplayer mode with a random opponent or a friend. šŸŒ Multiplayer mode. šŸŽ® You can play with a friend online.

Com jugar

In single player mode, each round you need to answer a question before time runs out. If the answer is incorrect, then the time to answer the question decreases, if it is correct, it increases. The game ends if there is less than five seconds left to answer the question. In multiplayer mode you play against a random opponent online or against a friend. The game consists of fifteen rounds, each round requiring you to answer a question with a number. The player who answers closest to the correct answer wins the round and increases the score in his favor. If the players' answers are equally different from the correct answer, then the one who answered first wins the round. The player with the most points wins.

InformaciĆ³ de la partida

Edat de qualificaciĆ³
AutoritzaciĆ³ de suport
AnglĆØs, Rus
OrientaciĆ³ de la pantalla
Data de llanƧament
30 de juny del 2023
Cloud desa
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