Trader's Way: Escape from Prison

Trader's Way: Escape from Prison

Inicieu sessiĆ³ amb el vostre nom d'usuari per guardar de forma fiable el progrĆ©s i els ĆØxits del joc
Trader's Way: Escape from Prison ā€” Playhop
Trader's Way: Escape from Prison

Trader's Way: Escape from Prison

Per comenƧar el joc, vostĆØ accepta els termes i condicions de la acord de llicĆØncia
Inicieu sessiĆ³ amb el vostre nom d'usuari per guardar de forma fiable el progrĆ©s i els ĆØxits del joc

Sobre el joc

šŸ’» Welcome to the universe of Trader's Way: Escape from Prison.ā›ļø Trader's Way: Escape from Prison ā€” Trader's Adventure in a Space Prison You play as a trader who didn't pay taxes and ended up in jail. You have to trade on the stock exchange to upgrade the prison and turn it into a resort. šŸŽ® Game features: šŸ’» Trading on the stock exchange šŸ’™ Interactive world šŸ’¬ Interesting dialogues āœØ Your actions affect the world šŸŽ‚ 2 different endings

Com jugar

Upgrade the prison, find secrets and enjoy the game!!! šŸŽ® Arrows (WASD) or a joystick for movement šŸŽ® On-screen buttons or Z for action šŸŽ® On-screen joystick or X for bounce and run

InformaciĆ³ de la partida

Edat de qualificaciĆ³
AutoritzaciĆ³ de suport
AnglĆØs, Rus
OrientaciĆ³ de la pantalla
Data de llanƧament
29 de gen. del 2025
Cloud desa
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