Russian Loto

Russian Loto

70Bewertung Playhop
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Russian Loto — Playhop
Russian Loto Spiel

Russian Loto Spiel

70Bewertung Playhop
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Über das Spiel

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Russian Loto is a popular board game that involves players matching numbers on their game cards with those randomly drawn from a lottery machine. The game offers three exciting modes: - Quick Mode: The first player to match one entire row on their card wins. - Classic Mode: Players must match all the numbers on their card to claim victory. - Trio Challenge: Here, each matched row contributes to a communal prize, and the ultimate goal is to complete the bottom row for the grand win. Additionally, the game includes rewarding features such as daily progress unlocks for regular play, collection enhancement after each win, and over 40 unique tasks that offer bonuses upon completion. Moreover, a player ranking system adds a competitive edge, motivating players to collect as many accolades as possible, showcasing their prowess in the game.


Keep an eye on the numbers that appear and compare them to the numbers on your cards. There are various winning conditions depending on the game mode: - In the short game, you need to match all 5 numbers in a line to win. - For the long game, cover all 15 numbers on your ticket to win. - The «three on three» game has different lines with specific roles: - The top line: all players who didn't close this line contribute 100% of their initial bet to the game fund, and the game continues. - The central line: if one player closes this line, they immediately get 50% of the game fund. The other players pay 50% of their initial bets, and the game goes on. If two or more players close the line, they keep playing until one of them closes any other line. The winner then gets 100% of the game fund and the game ends. - The bottom line: if only one player closes the line, they get the entire game fund. If several players do this, the prize pool is split equally among them, and then the game is over. We wish you luck with your game!

Informationen zum Spiel

Englisch, Russisch
15. Sept. 2022
Spiele für dich
Players say
Insgesamt sind die Bewertungen für das russische Lottospiel positiv, viele Benutzer bemerken, dass dies ein großartiges Spiel für Freizeitaktivitäten ist
Einige Spieler schlagen vor, mehr verschiedene Aufgaben und Schwierigkeitsgrade hinzuzufügen, um das Spiel noch interessanter zu machen
Es gibt jedoch Vorschläge zur Verbesserung der Anordnung der Karten und zum Hinzufügen der Möglichkeit, Elemente zu skalieren
Mehrere Benutzer weisen auf ein Problem hin, den Gewinner zu ermitteln und Punkte zu sammeln
Es wird auch erwähnt, dass Werbung im Spiel vorhanden ist, die das Laden verlangsamen und den Prozess ablenken kann
Trotz einiger technischer und spiellicher Mängel äußern die meisten Bewertungen Zufriedenheit mit dem Spiel und empfehlen es anderen Benutzern
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