Thailändisches Schach

Thailändisches Schach

82Bewertung Playhop
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Thailändisches Schach — Playhop
Thailändisches Schach Spiel

Thailändisches Schach Spiel

82Bewertung Playhop
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Über das Spiel

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The dimensions of the board are equal to those of a standard chess set — 8x8 squares. The initial setup is similar to that of classical chess but with two key distinctions: the white queen occupies the square e1, and the white king stands on d1 (in other words, each king is positioned to the left of its respective queen from the player's perspective). The pawns begin on the third rank from each player's side, with white on the third and black on the sixth. The typical moves for the king, rook, and pawn mirror those of standard chess. The king can move one square in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The rook moves any number of unoccupied squares in a straight line, either vertically or horizontally. The pawn advances one square forward, attacking one square diagonally in front. You can play solo against the computer's intelligence, compete against a friend on the same device, or challenge an opponent online in multiplayer mode.


**How the pieces move:** The king moves in the same way as in standard chess. However, there is no option for castling — that is, moving the king towards the rook. * The queen moves only one point diagonally. * The rook can move any number of spaces horizontally or vertically, if there are no pieces in its path. * The bishop moves in any diagonal direction, or one square forwards on a vertical line, but not both at the same time. * A knight moves two cells in one direction and then one cell in a perpendicular direction. * Pawn moves one step forward vertically and one step diagonally, just like in European chess. It can only transform into a queen-equivalent piece when it reaches the sixth rank. **Victory conditions:** As in classic chess, the game's aim is to checkmate the enemy king. A stalemate ends in a draw.

Informationen zum Spiel

Laotisch, Hebräisch, Japanisch, Estnisch, Schwedisch, Tschechisch, Kroatisch, Hindi, Französisch, Finnisch, Urdu, Ukrainisch, Usbekisch, Turkmenisch, Telugu, Tamilisch, Thai, Tadschikisch, Tagalog, Swahili, Slowenisch, Slowakisch, Singhalesisch, Serbisch, Rumänisch, Portugiesisch, Polnisch, Persisch, Norwegisch, Niederländisch, Nepalesisch, Deutsch, Mongolisch, Marathi, Malayalam, Malaiisch, Mazedonisch, Litauisch, Lettisch, Khmer, Koreanisch, Chinesisch, Kirgisisch, Katalanisch, Kannada, Kasachisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Isländisch, Indonesisch, Zulu, Dänisch, Georgisch, Griechisch, Galizisch, Vietnamesisch, Ungarisch, Bulgarisch, Birmanisch, Bengalisch, Belarussisch, Baskisch, Afrikaans, Armenisch, Arabisch, Amharisch, Aserbaidschanisch, Türkisch, Englisch, Russisch
12. Mai 2023
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