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Welcome to an incredible game about flags and countries!
Explore the world in this fantastic game. Your task will be to complete and color in flags from different countries. But there's more! Alongside coloring the flags, you'll test your knowledge about the countries of the world by guessing their capital cities.
Dive into the captivating world of flags right away!
At each stage you must finish the flag, applying the right colors and correctly identifying the country's capital.
1) Click on the flag and hold until a pencil follows all the dotted lines, outlining the flag.
2) After you’ve outlined the flag, choose a color and shade in all the highlighted sections of the flag. Make sure to color in the entire flag.
In case you incorrectly shade a flag, you will need to start again from the beginning. However, you also have the option to use a clue for assistance.
3) Attempt to identify the capital city of the displayed country. Choose one of the suggested answers.