

PM Games
69Bewertung Playhop
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Waffenrennen — Playhop
Waffenrennen Spiel

Waffenrennen Spiel

69Bewertung Playhop
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Über das Spiel

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Gun Racing is an action-packed game where players engage in intense races, battling it out for supremacy on the track. With high-speed cars and the ability to use various weapons, victory depends on skill, strategy, and a bit of luck. In addition to the traditional race, there's a time attack mode where the goal is to take down as many opponents as possible. For those seeking a more competitive experience, there's the «Grand Tournament» mode, where players compete against each other in a series of races. Gun Racing offers a wide variety of vehicles, from powerful racing cars to electric models, all of which can be customized and upgraded to enhance their performance on the track.


Beat the test levels and gain access to fresh content! Finishing a level rewards you with money and tickets, which can be used to buy and upgrade weapons and vehicles. Engaging in the grand tournament and time-based races offers better prizes! Completing the game earns you experience points that unlock bonuses for the seasons. Reaching 25 experience levels ensures you get a new car! Controls for PC: Use W and S to move forward and backward. Rotate using A and D. Nitro and two weapon types are accessible via the buttons in the screen's lower right corner. Controls on mobile: Move using the stick or arrows found in the lower left corner Access Nitro and two weapon options through the buttons located in the screen’s lower right side.

Informationen zum Spiel

Chinesisch, Vietnamesisch, Usbekisch, Ukrainisch, Türkisch, Thai, Serbisch, Slowakisch, Rumänisch, Portugiesisch, Niederländisch, Kasachisch, Georgisch, Japanisch, Italienisch, Indonesisch, Armenisch, Ungarisch, Hindi, Hebräisch, Französisch, Persisch, Spanisch, Deutsch, Tschechisch, Katalanisch, Bulgarisch, Belarussisch, Aserbaidschanisch, Arabisch, Englisch, Russisch
13. Juni 2024
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