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Über das Spiel
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«Digital Puzzle: Find all the Numbers!» is a fun and engaging puzzle where you have to locate the numbers from 1 to 90. You'll see numbers in various sizes, colors, and fonts scattered randomly on the screen. Your goal is to find all the numbers in order as fast as you can, beginning with 1 and ending with 90.
This game is designed to sharpen your focus and concentration, making it suitable for players of all ages.
How to play:
Once the game is launched, a screen will appear with numbers from 1 to 90 placed randomly on it.
The goal of the game:
You need to tap on the numbers in ascending order (from 1 to 91) to make them disappear from the screen.
Here's the catch:
You are racing against the clock, trying to find all the numbers as fast as you can. Don't worry if you make a mistake and tap a number out of order.
To help you keep track of your progress, the game has a timer and a progress indicator. These tools will let you know how well you're doing.
Victory condition:
The game ends when all the numbers from 1 to 90 are found, and the quickest player wins! Afterward, you can try to beat your own record.