PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof

PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof

49Bewertung Playhop
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PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof — Playhop
PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof Spiel

PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof Spiel

49Bewertung Playhop
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Über das Spiel

Automatisch übersetzt
The game is a lot like «Plants vs. Zombies», where your mission is to defend your house. If the zombies manage to reach your house, you lose the game. You can use different plants for protection like snow peas, sunflowers, and others. The roof is at an angle, so it will be harder for the plants to hit the enemies, adding difficulty to the game. There are many different plants and zombies with unique abilities in the game, so don't let the zombies get to your house!


Defend your house by planting and moving plants using the mouse or your finger. If a zombie reaches your house, you lose. Killing zombies earns you money based on their strength, which you can use to buy more plants. As you buy plants, zombies become stronger and more numerous. Keep an eye on the type of zombies coming for you using the button in the bottom left corner. To buy a plant, click the button in the top left corner and choose from the available options, but be aware that the number of plants is limited. When you return to the game, all your plants are saved and arranged according to your previous purchases.

Informationen zum Spiel

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18. Dez. 2024
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