In this thrilling game, the player embarks on magical journeys to worlds filled with dreadful monsters and mysterious beings. Each adventure is unique, offering rich resources and various challenges. The player will gather materials, craft powerful gear, and level up their character to become strong enough for the final battle against the main boss—the evil overlord threatening the enchanting world. On the path to his destruction, the player will encounter life forms they never imagined and overcome numerous dangers. Ultimately, only courage and a quest for justice will help save this world from doom.
Cómo jugar
To move, use the A and D keys on the keyboard, and right-click to jump. Select a weapon, hover the mouse cursor over the desired object and click the left mouse button or click the desired weapon number! To hit with a weapon, press the left mouse button. To use tackles, press the S button while driving. You can buy the necessary things from merchants for the trip, as soon as you are ready, go to the portal at the end of the city. To open the chest, go to the chest and press E. Collect as many resources as possible, look for secrets and find a way out! If you are not ready to meet the boss, go back to the city while you have time.