Zombie Apocalypse: Arena Shooter

Zombie Apocalypse: Arena Shooter

برای ذخیره ایمن دست‌آوردها و پیشرفت بازی خود، با استفاده از نام کاربری‌تان وارد سیستم شوید
Zombie Apocalypse: Arena Shooter — Playhop
Zombie Apocalypse: Arena Shooter

Zombie Apocalypse: Arena Shooter


درباره بازی

Welcome to Zombie Apocalypse: Arena Shooter — an exciting game where the battle for survival against zombies takes place! Choose powerful weapons and defeat your enemies. Each battle will bring new rewards, allowing you to upgrade your weapons and reach new heights. Test your skills and compete with other players to find out who will be the best on the battlefield. Check if you can handle the enemies faster than your friends! If you liked Zombie Apocalypse: Arena Shooter, be sure to try our other games! Leave feedback to help us make the game even better!

نحوۀ بازی

Use the WASD keys to move, and the mouse to aim and shoot. Press and hold the left mouse button to shoot. Use the Space Bar to jump.

اطلاعات بازی

رتبه‌بندی بر اساس سن
پشتیبانی مجوز
انگلیسی, روسی
جهت صفحه‌نمایش
تاریخ انتشار
۱۶ آبان ۱۴۰۳
ذخیره ابری
بازی برای شما