Dangerous friend

Dangerous friend

برای ذخیره ایمن دست‌آوردها و پیشرفت بازی خود، با استفاده از نام کاربری‌تان وارد سیستم شوید
Dangerous friend — Playhop
Dangerous friend
با شروع بازی، موافقت خود را نشان می‌دهید با شرایط توافق‌نامه مجوز
برای ذخیره ایمن دست‌آوردها و پیشرفت بازی خود، با استفاده از نام کاربری‌تان وارد سیستم شوید

درباره بازی

Dangerous Friend is an intense horror game. Players must navigate a maze-like labyrinth in a dark, eerie atmosphere, searching for and activating 4 generators to unlock the path to safety. But beware: around every corner, the monster Friend could be lurking, giving you no time to catch your breath. Dynamic monster behavior: it doesn’t just follow the player but actively hunts, analyzing your actions. Atmosphere of tension and uncertainty: it keeps you on edge at all times. The game resembles Backrooms with its maze-like environment and constant feeling of being pursued. However, it puts more emphasis on active gameplay elements, such as searching for and activating generators. You could also draw comparisons to Five Nights at Freddy’s with its stalking antagonist and survival mechanics. The game will appeal to horror fans, such as those who enjoy Backrooms and FNAF. It's perfect for anyone seeking thrills, intense gameplay, and a gripping atmosphere.

نحوۀ بازی

Objective: Find and activate 4 generators to unlock the exit. After that, make your way to the exit as quickly as possible while avoiding the monster. Controls: WASD — Movement. F — Toggle flashlight to illuminate your path. L. Shift — Sprint to escape the monster. Tab — Pause the game to take a break and assess the situation.

اطلاعات بازی

رتبه‌بندی بر اساس سن
پشتیبانی مجوز
اسپانیایی, آلمانی, ترکی, انگلیسی, روسی
جهت صفحه‌نمایش
تاریخ انتشار
۲۰ آبان ۱۴۰۳
ذخیره ابری
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