Knife Master: Physics Puzzle

Knife Master: Physics Puzzle

برای ذخیره ایمن دست‌آوردها و پیشرفت بازی خود، با استفاده از نام کاربری‌تان وارد سیستم شوید
Knife Master: Physics Puzzle — Playhop
Knife Master: Physics Puzzle
با شروع بازی، موافقت خود را نشان می‌دهید با شرایط توافق‌نامه مجوز
برای ذخیره ایمن دست‌آوردها و پیشرفت بازی خود، با استفاده از نام کاربری‌تان وارد سیستم شوید

درباره بازی

A fun adventure begins! The game will challenge your logic-solving skills in an exciting knife puzzle. Take out knives and free holes for daggers on the tiles. Clear the board of all tiles. Let them fall down =) Walk through intricate mazes of knives, daggers, magnets, plates and tiles. Each level presents you with new challenges, and you will have to go through more than 200+ stages. Need a hint? No problem! Use the hint function or remove random knives to move forward. Play the game and go on a journey for smart solutions and endless fun! Pump up your logic by solving physics puzzles in this 2D world! - More than 150 levels! And we are adding new ones! - A huge selection of physics puzzles. They will require logical thinking from you! - Game mode - Level of the day. Only the most difficult levels get here!

نحوۀ بازی

Click to pull out the knife. Pull out all the knives to make the wooden pieces fall down. Your goal is to clear the entire board! Think carefully before you decide. Keep thinking and trying until you find the solution. Click the button when you need hints or remove random knives. There are many hints in the game, explore them all!

اطلاعات بازی

رتبه‌بندی بر اساس سن
پشتیبانی مجوز
انگلیسی, روسی
جهت صفحه‌نمایش
تاریخ انتشار
۲۴ آذر ۱۴۰۳
ذخیره ابری
بازی برای شما