Sprunki Horror Sandbox

Sprunki Horror Sandbox

برای ذخیره ایمن دست‌آوردها و پیشرفت بازی خود، با استفاده از نام کاربری‌تان وارد سیستم شوید
Sprunki Horror Sandbox — Playhop
Sprunki Horror Sandbox
با شروع بازی، موافقت خود را نشان می‌دهید با شرایط توافق‌نامه مجوز
برای ذخیره ایمن دست‌آوردها و پیشرفت بازی خود، با استفاده از نام کاربری‌تان وارد سیستم شوید

درباره بازی

«Sprunki Horror Sandbox» is a sandbox (playground). That is, you have complete freedom of action. But unlike other sandboxes, the game has a task: to build a difficult level that the Sprunki must complete. There are many blocks and mechanisms for this. There are currently more than 6 Sprunki characters available in the game, and each of them is unique not only in appearance, but also in game parameters: someone jumps higher, someone is faster, and someone can do a double jump. After you build a level, you run the Sprunki test. Night falls, and the Sprunki turn into scary monsters, going for brains. We hope you enjoy the game! We tried to combine our favorite characters and interesting gameplay with

نحوۀ بازی

Use in-game text prompts. In short, build a level using various blocks and move the brain to the right place. When everything is ready, click "Start the test", after which the Sprunki will try to complete the level. If something goes wrong, there is a "Restart" button that will clear everything.

اطلاعات بازی

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پشتیبانی مجوز
انگلیسی, روسی
جهت صفحه‌نمایش
تاریخ انتشار
۲۰ آذر ۱۴۰۳
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