Sudoku: The Great Solver

Sudoku: The Great Solver

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Sudoku: The Great Solver — Playhop
Sudoku: The Great Solver

Sudoku: The Great Solver

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Sudoku: The Great Solver

Sur le jeu

Traduit automatiquement
«Sudoku: The Great Solver» is a logic-based number puzzle game where you need to fill in each grid cell with a number from 1 to 9. Each row, column, and mini-grid must contain all the numbers from 1-9 without any repetitions. If you get stuck and can't decide what to do next, you can use a hint that is active only for the current level and the entire game session. However, keep in mind that the goal of the game is to train your thinking skills, so the hints might not always help. Also, any numbers you place on an uncompleted level are saved only for the duration of the current game session. It's a great way to exercise your brain and have fun playing the game!

Comment jouer

The aim of the game «Sudoku: The Great Solver» is to complete the $9\times9$ playing field ($9$ rows, $9$ columns and $9$$3\times3$ blocks) with digits from $1$ to $9$. Here are some general Sudoku principles: * you cannot use the same number vertically; * each number in a horizontal line must be unique; * a single $3\times 3$ square can only contain one occurrence of a specific number.

Informations sur jeu

Classement par âge
Prise en charge de l'autorisation
zoulou, chinois, vietnamien, ouzbek, ourdou, ukrainien, turc, tagal, turkmène, thaïlandais, tadjik, telugu, tamoul, swahili, suédois, serbe, slovène, slovaque, cingalais, russe, roumain, portugais, polonais, norvégien, néerlandais, népalais, birman, malais, marathi, mongol, malayalam, macédonien, letton, lituanien, laotien, kirghize, coréen, kannara, khmer, kazakh, géorgien, japonais, italien, islandais, indonésien, arménien, hongrois, croate, hindi, hébreu, galicien, français, finlandais, persan, basque, estonien, espagnol, anglais, grec, allemand, danois, tchèque, catalan, bengali, bulgare, biélorusse, azerbaïdjanais, arabe, amharique, afrikaans
Orientation de l'écran
Date de sortie
4 déc. 2023
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