Tafl: échecs vikings

Tafl: échecs vikings

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Tafl: échecs vikings — Playhop
Tafl: échecs vikings

Tafl: échecs vikings

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Sur le jeu

Traduit automatiquement
The rules for the different versions of this game are: - board size: 7x7, 9x9, 11x11, or 13x13; - win by moving your king to any edge or corner square; - king is encircled if there are pieces on two or four sides; - number of attacking and defending pieces differs. You can play this game against the computer, with a friend on the same device, or against a real player online.

Comment jouer

Black plays first, then players take turns. Pieces move like rooks in chess, moving vertically or horizontally to any number of unoccupied cells. No jumping over other pieces or moving diagonally is allowed. The king can only occupy central and corner fortresses, which cannot be entered by other pieces. Capturing pieces requires a pincer move with two enemy pieces on your turn. Pieces cannot pass through fortresses or move diagonally. Capturing an enemy piece between your piece and an empty throne is possible. The throne poses no threat to defenders when it's empty, but it's always hostile to attackers. Capturing is not mandatory, and captured pieces are permanently removed from the board. For white to win, the king needs to reach: - in a game with fortresses in the corners, one of these corners. - In a game with a highlighted edge, that specific edge. Black wins by capturing the king by surrounding him.

Informations sur jeu

Classement par âge
Prise en charge de l'autorisation
japonais, tchèque, hindi, français, ukrainien, ouzbek, turkmène, turc, thaïlandais, slovaque, serbe, roumain, portugais, polonais, persan, néerlandais, allemand, coréen, chinois, catalan, kazakh, italien, espagnol, indonésien, hébreu, géorgien, vietnamien, hongrois, bulgare, biélorusse, arménien, arabe, azerbaïdjanais, anglais, russe
Orientation de l'écran
Date de sortie
15 janv. 2025
Sauvegarde dans le nuage
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