Survive Until Dawn

Survive Until Dawn

55Playhop értékelés
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Survive Until Dawn — Playhop
Survive Until Dawn

Survive Until Dawn

55Playhop értékelés
Játékosok értékelése
A játék elindításával elfogadja a játék általános szerződési feltételeit licencszerződés
Jelentkezzen be felhasználónevével, hogy megbízhatóan mentse a játék előrehaladását és eredményeit

A játékról

Survive the zombie apocalypse right at home in an exciting game where each night promises to be darker than the previous one. As dusk falls, zombies will begin to attack your shelter, and your task is to strengthen the windows to repel their advance. Each night the attacks will intensify, but each successful resistance will bring you bonuses and new weapons for defense. Accept the challenge and try to survive in the face of an ever-increasing threat. Perhaps you will be the one to open access to the legendary golden rifle? The game is designed for fans of intense battles and survival, in the spirit of cult series such as Resident Evil and Doom. Prepare for endless nights of fear and adrenaline.

Hogyan kell játszani

You need to hold out until the morning, while destroying as many zombies as possible. For this you will receive experience points, which increase the player's level, which in turn opens up new types of weapons and parts of the location. With each level increase, the nights will become more difficult. Control on PC: WASD - movement Shift - run Left mouse button - shooting Mouse scroll or 1-6 num key - change weapon F - flashlight E - interaction with objects Controls on Mobile: Left screen side - movement Right screen side - look around

Játék információk

Engedélyezési támogatás
Magyar, Orosz
Képernyő tájolása
Kiadás dátuma
2024. máj. 24.
Felhő menti