Robbie Horror: Granny in Backrooms

Robbie Horror: Granny in Backrooms

1Pixel Games
55Playhop értékelés
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Robbie Horror: Granny in Backrooms — Playhop
Robbie Horror: Granny in Backrooms

Robbie Horror: Granny in Backrooms

55Playhop értékelés
Játékosok értékelése
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A játékról

You woke up in endless yellow rooms and don't know where you are or how you got here. But you know one thing for sure - you're not alone here... In this game, you have to fight for survival, running away from the evil granny. Listen carefully! She could be anywhere... There are cameras on the location that can give away your location if detected. Be careful! And don't fall into the evil granny's beartrap! If you do give yourself away - quickly hide in the closet! The main thing is that Granny doesn't notice... Are you ready to get scared? Go into the game!

Hogyan kell játszani

To complete the level you need to find all the keys in the location to open the exit door and escape. Be careful - once you find all the keys, Granny will get angry and will be able to see your location! PC controls: W, A, S, D - walking Mouse - camera rotation E - interaction with objects Tab - pause menu/cursor unlock Phone/tablet controls: The joystick on the left - walking. The right part of the screen - camera rotation Interaction button and pause button on the screen. Good luck!

Játék információk

Engedélyezési támogatás
Magyar, Orosz
Képernyő tájolása
Kiadás dátuma
2024. aug. 1.
Felhő menti