Workout 3D: Build up your muscles

Workout 3D: Build up your muscles

34Playhop értékelés
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Workout 3D: Build up your muscles — Playhop
Workout 3D: Build up your muscles

Workout 3D: Build up your muscles

34Playhop értékelés
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A játékról

🏅Workout 3D: Build up your muscles is an exciting fitness game where you challenge yourself on the journey to the perfect body. 🦾Choose your character, master the correct poses, and perform various exercises to build muscle and become a true pro. 💫Every workout brings you closer to new achievements and enhances your skills. 🎯The game features realistic training routines and progression, making you feel like you're in a real gym. 💥Get stronger, leaner, and prove that you have what it takes to reach your fitness goals!

Hogyan kell játszani

✨Choose your character, position them correctly, and complete exercises! 🦾With every level, your character becomes leaner, stronger, and more muscular! 💰Earn in-game currency to unlock new characters and level them up on their way to perfection! 🥇The game offers a variety of characters and levels, so you can build your own team of athletes and conquer the world of fitness!

Játék információk

Engedélyezési támogatás
Török, Magyar, Orosz
Képernyő tájolása
Kiadás dátuma
2024. aug. 28.
Felhő menti