Jelentkezzen be felhasználónevével, hogy megbízhatóan mentse a játék előrehaladását és eredményeit
A játékról
Conduct your experiments in the world of geometry now! Change the properties of platforms, build structures and destroy them right now!
In the game you can carry out your crazy experiments with cubes. Change the properties of the platforms on which the cubes stand. Then see what happens to the cubes on the modified platforms! Show your imagination and creativity to create the most epic experiment yet!
Try to become the best player on the leaderboard and reach the top positions!
Hogyan kell játszani
In the game you have to conduct various experiments with cubes.
Select the property you want and then click on the platform to apply or change it.
You can move the camera using a special joystick.
You can shuffle objects by pinching them and dragging them around the playing field.
Place cubes or spikes on the playing field, build various structures from the cubes, and then destroy them or conduct experiments on them.