Minesweeper Hero

Minesweeper Hero

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Minesweeper Hero — Playhop
Minesweeper Hero

Minesweeper Hero

A játék elindításával elfogadja a játék általános szerződési feltételeit licencszerződés
Jelentkezzen be felhasználónevével, hogy megbízhatóan mentse a játék előrehaladását és eredményeit
Minesweeper Hero

A játékról

«Minesweeper Hero» is a classic puzzle game in which the player must clear a field containing mines and safe cells. The goal of the game is to open all the cells without mines, without blowing up on the mined cells.

Hogyan kell játszani

- The player opens the cells, trying not to open the cell with a mine. After opening the mine cell, he loses. Mines are placed after the first move, so it is impossible to lose on the first move. - If there is no mine under an open cell, then a number appears in it indicating how many cells adjacent to the newly opened one are "mined". - If there are also no mines under the neighboring cells, then some "non-mined" area opens up to the cells in which there are numbers. - The player can mark the "mined" cells so as not to accidentally open them. - By opening all the "non-mined" cells, the player wins. Management: Computer: - LMB - open the cell - RMB or (LMB +Ctrl) - check/uncheck the box - MMB or (LMB + RMB) - open the cells around if all the boxes are checked - R - restart Mobile devices: - tap - open the cell menu - double tap - open the cell - pinch - check/uncheck the box

Játék információk

Engedélyezési támogatás
Török, Magyar, Orosz
Képernyő tájolása
Kiadás dátuma
2024. okt. 11.
Felhő menti
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