Cunning Ginger

Cunning Ginger

43Վարկանիշ՝ Playhop
Խաղացողների գնահատականը
Մուտք գործելը հուսալիորեն կպահպանի առաջընթացը և հաջողությունները խաղում
Cunning Ginger — Playhop
Խաղ Cunning Ginger

Խաղ Cunning Ginger

43Վարկանիշ՝ Playhop
Խաղացողների գնահատականը
Մուտք գործելը հուսալիորեն կպահպանի առաջընթացը և հաջողությունները խաղում

Խաղի մասին

A red cat Ginger starts an adventure around the world in an airship. He will want to eat on the way! Try cheese on the coast near a mill? Or a sausage and a cocktail on the beach under a palm tree? Or cocoa on a hillside while snow falls outside? Ginger bravely faces heat and cold! Why the empty piffle, we're landing! Do you think mouse is the best food for cat? No, our fluffy friend is a gourmet! Help Ginger explore the world, collecting tasty treats like cupcakes and avoiding bad objects like glue. Be quick and nimble as a lynx to get the rhythm of the game. Be ready to leap and parry any challenges on the way, while furry friend’s belly is filled with food. If pet is full, the owner is grumpy no more! Wanna have some fun this weekend or on vacation? Cute graphics and addictive gameplay fit for anyone who loves games about cats, whether they're a sweet tooth or a gourmet. Catch treats with red cat hero, feel the gentle breeze of summer, and have a picnic in a world of adventures!

Ինչպես խաղալ

Controls: There are two ways to control the cat: using the mouse cursor/finger or using the left arrow (A), right arrow (D) buttons to move the pet in the direction where it should collect treats or dodge danger. The goal of the game: During the game, you need to fill the cat's belly with 100% food to complete the level. At each level, there is an opportunity to complete additional quests and receive a reward by collecting a sufficient amount of certain food. Food objects that need to be collected: cheese, chicken, fish, hamburger. Positive bonus objects: coin, basket, gift, chest, magnet, milk, helmet. Objects that that reduce lives: cactus, iron, coconut, boot. Negative objects that complicate the passage: egg, catnip, dye, saucepan, balloon, glue.

Տեղեկություններ խաղի մասին

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Թողարկման ամսաթիվը
9 հնվ, 2024 թ.
Cloud պահպանություն
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