Quiz: Who are you from Simpsons?

Quiz: Who are you from Simpsons?

Մուտք գործելը հուսալիորեն կպահպանի առաջընթացը և հաջողությունները խաղում
Quiz: Who are you from Simpsons? — Playhop
Խաղ Quiz: Who are you from Simpsons?

Խաղ Quiz: Who are you from Simpsons?

Մուտք գործելը հուսալիորեն կպահպանի առաջընթացը և հաջողությունները խաղում

Խաղի մասին

Love The Simpsons? The game "Quiz: Who are you from Simpsons?" immerses you in the world of the iconic animated series! Enjoy two exciting modes: a personality quiz to reveal which character you resemble and a knowledge test to challenge your expertise about The Simpsons universe. Evaluate your knowledge and see how well you know the life of Springfield! This game is perfect for fans of the show, enthusiasts, and anyone looking to spend their time in a fun and engaging way!

Ինչպես խաղալ

The game features two parts: a test and a quiz. In the test, answer questions about The Simpsons universe. In the quiz, select the options that best match your personality! Correct answers in the test increase your score, while the quiz results reveal which Simpsons character you are most like. The controls are intuitive: choose your answers and progress to the end!

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