Մուտք գործելը հուսալիորեն կպահպանի առաջընթացը և հաջողությունները խաղում
Hidden Strike — Playhop
Խաղ Hidden Strike
Մուտք գործելը հուսալիորեն կպահպանի առաջընթացը և հաջողությունները խաղում

Խաղի մասին

"Hidden Strike" is a strategy game where you will take command of an army and manage a variety of military vehicles. The game is suitable for fans of projects like "Wargame" and "Command & Conquer," but it stands out with its unique combination of realistic graphics and deep gameplay. You will battle in various environments — from deserts to war-torn cities, utilizing the unique abilities of each unit. Explore new technologies, manage resources, and adapt strategies in real-time. The game offers numerous levels and exciting missions that will keep you engaged!

Ինչպես խաղալ

In "Hidden Strike," your goal is to achieve victory on the battlefield by using strategic maneuvers and resources. The winner is the one who effectively manages their army and exploits the strengths of their units. Defeat comes when your forces suffer a devastating loss or are annihilated. Control is managed through a joystick: - Attack — you must stop to attack. - Switching between vehicles — use the bottom panel for quick selection and switching between different units. Get ready for thrilling battles and strategic confrontations!

Տեղեկություններ խաղի մասին

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Էկրանի դիրքը
Թողարկման ամսաթիվը
6 դեկ, 2024 թ.
Cloud պահպանություն
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