9 в 1: Endless Runner

9 в 1: Endless Runner

Մուտք գործելը հուսալիորեն կպահպանի առաջընթացը և հաջողությունները խաղում
9 в 1: Endless Runner — Playhop
Խաղ 9 в 1: Endless Runner
Մուտք գործելը հուսալիորեն կպահպանի առաջընթացը և հաջողությունները խաղում

Խաղի մասին

9 in 1: Endless Runner is a collection of nine endless runner mini-games, each with its own distinct theme and style. You'll explore classic 2D and immersive 3D platformers, a team-based mode where you control multiple cubes, plus quirky runs starring a chicken, an albatross, and a spaceship. Every mini-game features engaging music and sound effects for a continuous sense of adventure. The game is localized into eight languages, making it accessible to players worldwide. Designed for both mobile devices and PCs, it offers intuitive controls and a fun-filled experience for all.

Ինչպես խաղալ

Use arrow keys on a keyboard or tap on your mobile screen to guide your characters. The game supports multiple platforms and control schemes. Detailed instructions for each mini-game can be found within the game itself.

Տեղեկություններ խաղի մասին

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11 մրտ, 2025 թ.
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