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The app will be of interest to anyone who enjoys playing checkers and it will also be helpful for those starting out in the game who are looking to enhance their skills. You have the option to play against another person or against the computer, with several difficulty settings available for the computer player.
Cara bermain
To take a step in the game, simply click on one of your pieces and then click on the desired square on the board. Your aim is to advance your pawns towards your rival's side of the board, moving only on the dark squares and making diagonal leaps across them. When you encounter your opponent's pawn, you can jump over it in any direction – except sideways. Moving multiple steps in one go, your pieces follow a consecutive path.
Should one of your pawns reach the final horizontal line, it transforms into a 'king', gaining the power to move to any square, including backward ones.
In situations where you have the option to capture your opponent's piece instead of making a standard move, capturing is mandatory. The capturing move precedes the usual movement of your piece. If your opponent loses all their pieces, you claim victory. However, if you find yourself with no possible moves left, the game is considered lost.