Untangle Me

Untangle Me

woof, Attack!
Valutazione giocatori
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Untangle Me — Playhop
Untangle Me

Untangle Me

Valutazione giocatori
Con l'avvio del gioco, l'utente accetta i termini e le condizioni del contratto di licenza
Accedi con il tuo nome utente per salvare in modo affidabile i tuoi progressi e risultati di gioco

Informazioni sul gioco

"Untangle Me" is an exciting puzzle game that will make you show all your logic and spatial thinking. In this game you have to untangle a figure from lines that intersect with each other. Each level is a complex puzzle consisting of dots and lines between them. Your task is to untangle these lines so that they do not intersect. This may seem like a simple task at first glance, but with each level the difficulty will increase. The game features 80 levels of varying difficulty, which will allow you to enjoy the game for a long time. In addition, there is a random level mode that will add even more variety and interest to the game.

Come si gioca

To complete the level, you need to untangle the figure without allowing the lines to cross. To do this, click on one of the points and move it. Pay attention to the color of the lines: if the line is red, it means that it intersects with other lines.

Informazioni sul gioco

Valutazione di età
Supporto di autorizzazione
Cinese, Inglese, Russo
Orientamento dello schermo
Data di rilascio
30 giu 2024
Salvataggi in cloud
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