«Whisper of the woods: unseen» is an interactive text-based journey that absorbs you into a realm where science fiction meets the supernatural. You step into the shoes of Artyom Volkov, a budding theoretical physicist, who becomes entangled in a perilous escapade centered around cloaking technology.
Here's what makes the game special:
* An exhilarating storyline that weaves together science fiction and mysticism.
* Numerous paths to choose from that influence the unfolding of events.
* A dynamic system of thought processes that mirrors the protagonist's mental state.
* Multiple endings and potential fatal outcomes.
* An immersive soundtrack that heightens your engagement with the game.
Read the text on the screen. It describes what's happening and where you are.
At the end of each scene, you'll see different things you can do. Choose what to do by pressing the right button.
Your choices will change what happens in the story, and you might get different endings.
Look at the top left corner of the screen for a special meter that shows your mental state. When it gets too low, the game gets more intense and hard to predict.
Play through the game in different ways to see all the possible endings and what can happen.
Enjoy the way the game makes you feel and get lost in the magical world of "Whispers of the Forest."
Good luck with your adventure, and remember: not everything you can't see is harmless!