Young Hiro finds himself in a dire situation, standing at the crossroads of life and death. Suddenly, a celestial being appears before him, offering a second chance at life, but with a condition: Hiro must rescue another soul from the brink of despair.
To embark on his quest, Hiro can slip into the shoes of various individuals, confronting their predicaments and challenges. However, altering their destiny might not be an easy task. With time running out, Hiro must make crucial decisions that could determine his fate.
This game features:
- an emotional tale of redemption and hope;
- the ability to inhabit different personas and influence their destinies;
- intricate moral choices that shape the course of the story;
- a captivating ambiance, complemented by music and visual effects.
Dive into a captivating story filled with mystical adventures.
Assist the protagonist in rebuilding his life!
How to Navigate:
Tap the screen to advance through the narrative.
Click the black button to proceed to the next conversation.