In the year 2147, humanity has expanded its reach beyond Earth, establishing colonies on the Moon, Mars, and the moons of Saturn. Among these space stations, one of the most important was Saturn-9, a massive complex built to study particles found deep within the moon of Enceladus. These particles have the potential to create new life forms and bring about unprecedented advancements for humanity.
However, communication with Saturn-9 was suddenly lost, prompting the dispatch of the Horizon spaceship to investigate. Upon arriving at the station, the Horizon was attacked. The sole survivor was a cyborg girl named Phantom. Her mission was to liberate the station from an extraterrestrial race of combat robots that had taken control of the facility. It was crucial to prevent them from leaving Saturn-9 because the robots had been infected with a novel form of particle-based life.
This is not just a regular mission—it's a fight for the future. You must skillfully combine firepower with strategy to survive battles against enemies who adapt to your every move. Remember, the destiny of humanity lies in your hands!
In the settings, you can adjust the controls, shadows, and frame rate display. You can also choose to mute the sound and have the option to view the primary control keys within the game.
- Use the W, A, S, D keys or the arrow keys for movement.
- Press C to crouch.
- Pause/access the menu by pressing TAB.
- Jump/activate the jetpack with SPACE BAR.
- Shoot by clicking the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON.
- Aim using the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON (hold to aim down sights).
- Change weapons by scrolling with the MOUSE WHEEL.