Opening your own store, you will dive into the exciting world of entrepreneurship. Your commitment and determination will be key to success. As the owner, you'll be the manager and salesperson, so prepare for a variety of tasks.
After completing a brief training, you are all set to start. Order products from wholesalers, and they'll deliver them right to your doorstep. Arrange the products on the shelves and don't forget to tidy up the empty boxes. A clean entrance makes a great first impression.
Now it's time to wait for customers. You've chosen a great location for your supermarket, so there will be plenty of people coming in. Be friendly and helpful to all your customers, remembering that «the customer is always right.»
Consider adding vending machines to boost revenue and potentially become the best supermarket in town or even across the country.
Here are the controls for the game:
Move the mouse to rotate the view.
Use the W, S, A and D keys to move around.
Left-click to perform actions like going behind the cash register, scanning products or picking up a box.
Right-click to cancel an action, put an item down or get out from behind the cash desk.
Press J to turn prompts on or off.
Press K to show or hide the training mode.