შესვლა თქვენი სახელი უსაფრთხოდ შეინახოთ თქვენი პროგრესი და მიღწევები თამაში
თამაშის შესახებ
Level up Tijoy by clicking on him and getting carrots!
Earn more and more carrots to buy more upgrades!
Catch the carrots flying across your screen to get huge bonuses!
როგორ ვითამაშოთ
Tap Tijoy to get carrots and spend them to buy upgrades on the right side of your screen!
Select the desired upgrade from the catalog on the right and buy it with one tap on the upgrade!
Autoclicker is an upgrade that gives carrots without the player's participation!
Cursor is an upgrade that pumps up your tap so you earn more carrots!