Bricks: Tomino

Bricks: Tomino

DDK Incorporated
შესვლა თქვენი სახელი უსაფრთხოდ შეინახოთ თქვენი პროგრესი და მიღწევები თამაში
Bricks: Tomino — Playhop
თამაში Bricks: Tomino
თამაშის დაწყებით, თქვენ ეთანხმებით პირობებს სალიცენზიო შეთანხმება
შესვლა თქვენი სახელი უსაფრთხოდ შეინახოთ თქვენი პროგრესი და მიღწევები თამაში

თამაშის შესახებ

Bricks: Tomino is a classic video game that has won the hearts of millions of players around the world. In it, the player controls falling blocks of various shapes, which must be carefully placed on the playing field so that they fill the horizontal lines. The goal of the game is to prevent the blocks from reaching the top of the screen, which leads to a loss. Over time, the difficulty level increases, requiring the player to react quickly, think strategically, and be precise. Bricks: Tomino offers addictive gameplay that combines ease of control and a deep strategic element, making it the perfect entertainment for both beginners and experienced gamers.

როგორ ვითამაშოთ

The following buttons are used to control the computer: - A or Left arrow to move the block to the left; - D or Right arrow to move the block to the right; - S or Down Arrow, for accelerated block drop; - R or Up arrow to rotate the block; - Space bar, for instant landing of the block. - Virtual buttons can also be enabled to control the menu. On mobile devices, virtual buttons are automatically enabled when the game is loaded. But they can be disabled and then the control in the game will switch to gestures: - To move the block to the left or right, swipe in the right direction; - Swipe down accelerates the fall of the figure; - Tap on the screen to rotate the shape.

თამაშის ინფორმაცია

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ეკრანის ორიენტაცია
გამოშვების თარიღი
27 ნოე. 2024
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