Durak Best Game

Durak Best Game

Good Vibes Games
Prihláste sa pomocou svojho používateľského mena, aby ste spoľahlivo uložili postup a úspechy v hre
Durak Best Game — Playhop
Durak Best Game

Durak Best Game

Začatím hry, súhlasíte s podmienkami licenčnej
Prihláste sa pomocou svojho používateľského mena, aby ste spoľahlivo uložili postup a úspechy v hre
Durak Best Game

O hre

Durak Best Game is a classic card game with rich customization options, perfect for both beginners and pros alike. Choose between Throw-in or Classic modes, set the difficulty level, number of players, and cards—tailor the perfect match to your rules! With simple controls, a user-friendly interface, and engaging gameplay, Durak Best Game is ideal for relaxing or sharpening your skills. Test your abilities, challenge virtual opponents, and become a master of the game.

Ako hrať

The goal of Durak Best Game is to get rid of all your cards. 1. Trump Suit: At the start of the game, a trump suit is randomly selected. The trump suit can beat any other suit, and cards of the trump suit cannot be beaten by non-trump cards. 2. First Move: The player with the lowest-ranking trump card starts the game. Play proceeds clockwise. 3. Attacking: The defending player must “beat” the attacking cards by placing a card of the same suit but higher rank, or by using a trump card. 4. Adding Cards: Other players can add cards of the same rank as those already played, but the total number of attacking cards cannot exceed the number of cards in the defender’s hand. 5. Ending the Turn: If the defender successfully beats all attacking cards, the cards are discarded, and the turn moves to the next player. The game continues until all players except one have discarded their cards. The last player with cards remaining is the Durak!

Informácie o hre

Vekové hodnotenie
Podpora autorizácie
Anglický, Ruský
Orientácia obrazovky
Dátum vydania
19. 1. 2025
Cloud šetrí
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