Mahjong: Lunch Break

Mahjong: Lunch Break

Kopernik Games
Prihláste sa pomocou svojho používateľského mena, aby ste spoľahlivo uložili postup a úspechy v hre
Mahjong: Lunch Break — Playhop
Mahjong: Lunch Break

Mahjong: Lunch Break

Začatím hry, súhlasíte s podmienkami licenčnej
Prihláste sa pomocou svojho používateľského mena, aby ste spoľahlivo uložili postup a úspechy v hre

O hre

• You need to find free pairs of identical elements and clear the field. • You are given a limited amount of time to solve the game. • The points accumulated during a round are counted in the current leaderboard (competitive mode) and added to the total score for the General Leaderboard. Features • Three game modes - single player, competitive, "Mahjong of the Day". • Three levels of difficulty. • Rounds follow each other. • In competition mode, after a round you can evaluate your score and the score of other players.

Ako hrať

• Find free pairs. • A free pair is defined as identical elements that can be connected by a maximum of THREE straight lines. • During the game you can use hints to show the solution or move the field. • Try to free the playing field completely before the round time runs out.

Informácie o hre

Vekové hodnotenie
Podpora autorizácie
Francúzsky, Taliansky, Bieloruština, Španielsko, Nemecký, Turecký, Anglický, Ruský
Orientácia obrazovky
Dátum vydania
4. 10. 2024
Cloud šetrí
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