Sweets: Match Three

Sweets: Match Three

Hodnotenie hráčov
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Sweets: Match Three — Playhop
Sweets: Match Three

Sweets: Match Three

Hodnotenie hráčov
Začatím hry, súhlasíte s podmienkami licenčnej
Prihláste sa pomocou svojho používateľského mena, aby ste spoľahlivo uložili postup a úspechy v hre

O hre

🍬Incredible levels are waiting for you, which will become more difficult and confusing as you progress. You can use special bonuses to help you complete the levels!🍭 🍫Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of three-in-a-row puzzles!🍡 🍭Spend your time usefully, think about combinations, enjoy the game!🍬

Ako hrať

🍭Connect three or more objects of the same color in a row. You can also apply special amplifiers to game items indicated at the bottom of the screen. 🍭In order to move a game item, it is enough to swipe it with the mouse pointer or swipe your finger across the screen of a mobile device. 🍭To complete the levels, achieve the goals set in them. The goals for each level are indicated at the beginning of the level, as well as at the top right on the screen. Remember that the number of moves is limited, which is indicated on the screen in the center from the top.

Informácie o hre

Vekové hodnotenie
Podpora autorizácie
Bieloruština, Turecký, Francúzsky, Kazaština, Azerbajdžanský, Anglický, Ruský
Orientácia obrazovky
Dátum vydania
24. 9. 2024
Cloud šetrí
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