Boo! Scared? I'm your friend! Run from Cat!

Boo! Scared? I'm your friend! Run from Cat!

Hodnotenie hráčov
Prihláste sa pomocou svojho používateľského mena, aby ste spoľahlivo uložili postup a úspechy v hre
Boo! Scared? I'm your friend! Run from Cat! — Playhop
Boo! Scared? I'm your friend! Run from Cat!

Boo! Scared? I'm your friend! Run from Cat!

Hodnotenie hráčov
Prihláste sa pomocou svojho používateľského mena, aby ste spoľahlivo uložili postup a úspechy v hre

O hre

It seems you've been kidnapped by some scary cat who wants to make friends with you! But the best thing to do is probably to get away from him. Don't touch the cat and run away!

Ako hrať

PC: W- to walk forward S - to walk backwards D - to move to the right A - to move left SHIFT for running Mouse to move the camera Left mouse button to read the text on the screen. To collect a map - just step on it. On mobile: Forward arrow - for walking forward Back arrow for walking backwards Right arrow - to move to the right Left arrow - to move left Tap on the screen and drag to move the camera. Tap on the text to read the text on the screen. To collect a map - just step on it.

Informácie o hre

Vekové hodnotenie
Podpora autorizácie
Japonský, Španielsko, Nemecký, Turecký, Anglický, Ruský
Orientácia obrazovky
Dátum vydania
31. 10. 2024
Cloud šetrí
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