PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof

PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof

49Playhop hodnotenie
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PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof

PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof

49Playhop hodnotenie
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PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof
PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof
PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof
PlabPlants VS Zombie: Roof

O hre

The game is similar to "Plants vs Zombies" game, all you have to do is protect your home. If the zombies reach the house, then you will lose. Various types of plants are used as protection: peashooters, mushrooms and special types of plants. The game is characterized by its complexity due to the roof, as the roof is at an angle and because of this it will be more difficult for plants to hit enemies, which makes the game more difficult. The game features many different plants and zombies with special mechanics, don't let the zombies get to your house!

Ako hrať

To protect your home, plant plants and move them with a LMB or move them with your finger. If the zombie reaches the house, then you will lose. Each zombie killed brings you money depending on how strong it is, and with this money you can buy more and more new plants. Every time you buy plants, zombies become more and more numerous, you can track which zombies are coming to you using the button on the bottom left. To buy a plant, click the button on the top left and select the desired plant, their number is limited. If you re-enter the game, then all the plants will be saved and arranged depending on which plants you bought.

Informácie o hre

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Zulu, Čínsky, Vietnamskej, Uzbecký, Urdu, Ukrajinský, Turecký, Tagalog, Turkménsky, Thajské, Tadžické, Telugu, Tamil, Svahilčina, Švédsky, Srbský, Slovinský, Slovenský, Sinhala, Ruský, Rumunský, Portugalský, Poľský, Nórsko, Holandský, Nepálsky, Barmská, Malajčina, Maráthˇ, Mongolský, Malajálamčina, Macedónsky, Lotyšský, Litovský, Lao, Kirgizsko, Kórejský, Kannada, Khmer, Kazaština, Gruzínsky, Japonský, Taliansky, Islandský, Indonézske, Arménsky, Maďarský, Chorvátsky, Hindčina, Hebrejský, Galícijčina, Francúzsky, Fínsko, Perzský, Baskičtina, Estónsky, Španielsko, Anglický, Grécky, Nemecký, Dánsky, Český, Čeština, Bengálsky, Bulharský, Bieloruština, Azerbajdžanský, Arabčiny, Amharčina, Afrikánčina
Orientácia obrazovky
Dátum vydania
18. 12. 2024
Cloud šetrí
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