Forest vibe

Forest vibe

Prihláste sa pomocou svojho používateľského mena, aby ste spoľahlivo uložili postup a úspechy v hre
Forest vibe — Playhop
Forest vibe
Začatím hry, súhlasíte s podmienkami licenčnej
Prihláste sa pomocou svojho používateľského mena, aby ste spoľahlivo uložili postup a úspechy v hre
Forest vibe

O hre

In "Forest vibe" you'll explore the forest in search of purple flowers. Each flower serves as food for animals. The more food you have, the better. Feed an animal to unlock it. Each animal generates money ("TR" currency) over time. The more expensive the food for an animal, the higher its profit. You can use TR to buy food to stay longer in the forest (keep an eye on your health bar!). You can also use the currency to purchase islands that make the forest more diverse. Unlock all animals, buy all the islands, and discover all the Easter eggs!

Ako hrať

Desktop Controls: - WASD - Movement - Mouse/Touch - Camera rotation - E - Collect food - Apple button - Eat an apple - Return cursor - Spacebar Mobile Controls: - The joystick controls both movement and camera rotation. - Collect button - Collect food - Apple button - Eat an apple - To buy an apple, find the hut and press the price button. The button in the bottom-left corner of the animal pen scene - Feed the animal. To unlock an animal, feed it. To claim your reward, press the red button with the price.

Informácie o hre

Vekové hodnotenie
Podpora autorizácie
Anglický, Ruský
Orientácia obrazovky
Dátum vydania
4. 2. 2025
Cloud šetrí
Hry pre vás