Emoji Ball: Bounce Adventure Roller Ball

Emoji Ball: Bounce Adventure Roller Ball

Stickman vs Monster School games
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Emoji Ball: Bounce Adventure Roller Ball — Playhop
Emoji Ball: Bounce Adventure Roller Ball

Emoji Ball: Bounce Adventure Roller Ball

Prihláste sa pomocou svojho používateľského mena, aby ste spoľahlivo uložili postup a úspechy v hre

O hre

Emoji Ball: Bounce Adventure Roller Ball is an interesting platformer game about an emoji ball and other emoticons that jump on stones and go through levels. Emoji Ball went on an adventure in which evil stones hit the bouncing ball, but the bouncing ball has 3 hearts. The game is similar to Mario and Sonic. Game features: - Many exciting levels - Different biomes - Secrets on the levels - Colored ball skins Did you like the game "Emoji Ball: Bounce Adventure Roller Ball"? - Then write a review and try our other games!

Ako hrať

You can move and jump using the arrow keys, the WASD buttons (for PC) or by tapping the virtual buttons on the screen (for smartphones and tablets). To win and go to the next level - find the key, it will open the door to the finish.

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Dátum vydania
11. 3. 2025
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