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Minesweeper Pro is the very best minesweeper with Windows!
Game Features:
● Like the original: appearance of Windows XP, Windows 7
● 11 skins
● 5 game modes, including custom mode
● Chords
● Statistics
● Leaderboards
Како играти
● The goal of the game is to open all cells that do not contain mines
● Opening a cage with a mine means losing
● To start the game, click anywhere on the field (LMB)
● The first click is always safe, guaranteed there will be no mines
● A section of the field with numbers will open
● The number shows how many mines are located around this cell
● In the cell where you think the mine is located, check the box (RMB)
● If you doubt whether there is a mine in a given cell, place a question mark (RMB)
● F2 -> Start a new game
● LMB -> Open closed cell
● RMB -> Mark a cell with a flag or question mark
● LMB + RMB or MMB -> Chord.
Opens surrounding cells if the number of their flags is equal to the number on the cell