Thundershark: Combat Helicopter

Thundershark: Combat Helicopter

Null Mechanism
Пријавите се са својим корисничким именом да бисте поуздано сачували свој напредак и достигнућа у игри
Thundershark: Combat Helicopter — Playhop
Thundershark: Combat Helicopter

Thundershark: Combat Helicopter

Почевши од игре, слажете се са условима и одредбама уговор о лиценцирању
Пријавите се са својим корисничким именом да бисте поуздано сачували свој напредак и достигнућа у игри

O igri

Take control of a combat helicopter, upgrade it and complete missions in story campaign or arcade mode. The story mode includes 20 different missions with cutscenes and boss battles. The arcade mode is a sequence of endless random missions in which the player competes to get the highest score in a single attempt.

Како играти

Playing with a touchscreen/mouse: -Control the helicopter by pressing the onscreen UI elements and the area around it. -To land press on the landing pad. Playing with a keyboard and mouse: -Navigate the menu by clicking on the UI elements with the mouse. -Control the helicopter with the WASD keys. Aim at the target by left-clicking on the enemy or by pressing the Q key. -Select weapons by pressing 1234 keys. -Fire by pressing the space bar key. -To land, click on the landing pad or stop above it and press the space bar. Playing with a controller: -Navigate the menu with the left stick and activate UI elements with the confirmation button(south). -Control the helicopter with the left stick. Target enemies with the left trigger, open fire with the right trigger. -Select weapons with the D-pad buttons. -To land, stop over the landing pad and press the confirmation button on the controller. Camera FOV can be changed in the settings menu during the mission or with a mouse wheel.

Игра информације

Старосна Оцена
Подршка за ауторизацију
Енглески, Српски
Оријентација екрана
16. јан 2025.
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