Throlley Problem

Throlley Problem

44Playhop рејтинг
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Пријавите се са својим корисничким именом да бисте поуздано сачували свој напредак и достигнућа у игри
Throlley Problem — Playhop
Throlley Problem

Throlley Problem

44Playhop рејтинг
Рангирање играча
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Пријавите се са својим корисничким именом да бисте поуздано сачували свој напредак и достигнућа у игри
Throlley Problem

O igri

Throlley Problem is an excellent opportunity to develop decision-making skills in complex situations. In the game, you will encounter 30 different scenarios where you will face difficult choices. You will have to make decisions that impact the outcome of each situation and the ethical questions posed to you. As you progress through various levels and scenarios, you will develop your ability to analyze complex situations, evaluate consequences, and make balanced decisions. Be prepared for your worldview to be challenged, as ethical dilemmas will prompt you to question what it truly means to be "right." Are you ready to confront ethical dilemmas and make tough decisions? Are you ready to take on the challenge?

Како играти

Choose your answer: You will be presented with several situations known as the "Trolley Problem". In each situation, you will need to choose one of two action options. Use the mouse (on the computer) or tap (on the phone): To select an answer, use the mouse to click on the preferred option or simply touch the screen on your phone. Evaluate your decisions: After you have made a choice, the game will show the consequences of your decision, as well as the percentage of players who made the same choice.

Игра информације

Старосна Оцена
Подршка за ауторизацију
Корејски, Чешки, Пољски, Вијетнамски, Јапански, Кинески, Хинди, Арапски језик, Индонежански, Турски, Шпански, Португалски, Италијански, Немачки, Француски, Енглески, Српски
Оријентација екрана
13. авг 2023.
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