Spider Solitaire two suits

Spider Solitaire two suits

Good Vibes Games
61Playhop рејтинг
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Spider Solitaire two suits — Playhop
Spider Solitaire two suits

Spider Solitaire two suits

61Playhop рејтинг
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Spider Solitaire two suits

O igri

Spider Solitaire two suits is a card game where the goal is to stack all the cards from the King down to the deuce and cover the deuce with an ace. Our game is one of the classic variants of the spider with 2 suits. An excellent and moderately challenging brain workout!

Како играти

From the open cards, you need to find ordinal combinations and add them from the highest (king) to the lowest (two, which still needs to be covered with an ace at the end). In the process of playing solitaire, you can stack cards of different suits on top of each other. For example: 2 worms can be stacked into 3 spades. Red cards on black and vice versa, only in this sequence. However, in general, this combination remains temporary, since the final deck should consist only of cards of the same suit. The goal is to collect eight suit sequences. The deck is not mixed at the same time.

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Немачки, Турски, Енглески, Српски
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21. јун 2024.
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