Play against AI | chess

Play against AI | chess

35Playhop рејтинг
Рангирање играча
Пријавите се са својим корисничким именом да бисте поуздано сачували свој напредак и достигнућа у игри
Play against AI | chess — Playhop
Play against AI | chess

Play against AI | chess

35Playhop рејтинг
Рангирање играча
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Пријавите се са својим корисничким именом да бисте поуздано сачували свој напредак и достигнућа у игри

O igri

As you know, chess is one of the oldest strategy games in the world. Chess is an excellent board game that develops skills such as tactics, strategy, and visual memory. Play chess versus computer and become a master! Peculiarities: - Game Assistant - Alternate mode - Realistic graphics - Small size - Artificial intelligence of the enemy

Како играти

Choose a shape first, and then choose an available field to walk around. Shapes: - The pawn moves one square forward or two squares on the first move of this piece, strikes diagonally one square forward. - The king moves one space vertically, horizontally or diagonally. - The queen moves any distance vertically, horizontally or diagonally. - The rook moves any distance vertically or horizontally. - The knight moves to a field that is two fields vertically and one horizontally, or one field vertically and two horizontally. - The elephant moves diagonally any distance. The object of the game is to checkmate the opponent's king.

Игра информације

Старосна Оцена
Подршка за ауторизацију
Српски, Енглески
Оријентација екрана
11. сеп 2024.
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