Twist & Turn: Pixel Puzzle with Circles

Twist & Turn: Pixel Puzzle with Circles

Пријавите се са својим корисничким именом да бисте поуздано сачували свој напредак и достигнућа у игри
Twist & Turn: Pixel Puzzle with Circles — Playhop
Twist & Turn: Pixel Puzzle with Circles

Twist & Turn: Pixel Puzzle with Circles

Почевши од игре, слажете се са условима и одредбама уговор о лиценцирању
Пријавите се са својим корисничким именом да бисте поуздано сачували свој напредак и достигнућа у игри

O igri

Discover the world of art in pixel style and create your personal collection of masterpieces by great artists! Rotate circles to recreate famous paintings reimagined in pixel art and add them to your private gallery. Each level features a unique artwork waiting to become part of your collection. The engaging process, simple rules, and inspiring theme make the game perfect for puzzle, art, and pixel design enthusiasts. Build your collection of world-famous masterpieces and enjoy their unique beauty!

Како играти

The game is simple and fun! To solve the puzzle: On a computer: Click on the circle and drag it in the desired direction to rotate it. On a phone or tablet: Tap on the circle and swipe with your finger.

Игра информације

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Холандски, Узбечки, Португалски, Казах, Белоруски, Шпански, Немачки, Турски, Енглески, Српски
Оријентација екрана
12. јан 2025.
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