Create a Ragdoll Skin in Mine

Create a Ragdoll Skin in Mine

65Playhop рејтинг
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Create a Ragdoll Skin in Mine — Playhop
Create a Ragdoll Skin in Mine

Create a Ragdoll Skin in Mine

65Playhop рејтинг
Рангирање играча
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Пријавите се са својим корисничким именом да бисте поуздано сачували свој напредак и достигнућа у игри

O igri

Create your own skin for the cube Ragdoll and test it on the Playground map! In the game, your task is to draw a unique skin for Ragdoll, and then test it on the map with various items that will help you conduct different experiments with Ragdolls! Try to take first place in the leaderboard and prove to everyone that you are the best player!

Како играти

To start, create your own skin that will be displayed on your Ragdoll character. You can use the example at the top of the screen to help you understand what kind of skin you can draw. Once you have finished the skin, you can test it on the map. To do this, click the "Play" button. Select the item you want and click on it to place it on the playing field. Objects can be moved by simply holding them.

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Оријентација екрана
18. нов 2024.
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