Elf and Grinch: Decorate the christmas tree

Elf and Grinch: Decorate the christmas tree

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Elf and Grinch: Decorate the christmas tree — Playhop
Elf and Grinch: Decorate the christmas tree

Elf and Grinch: Decorate the christmas tree

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O igri

In a world where the wicked Grinch stole and enchanted gifts so they couldn't be opened, brave elf Elvin stood up for the children. With his magical snowballs, he stopped the Grinch and freed the gifts from the curse. Now, as he hands out candies, he receives ornaments for the Christmas tree. Join Elvin to create a magical Christmas and decorate the tree in his home.

Како играти

For PC controls: - Use the A and D keys to control the direction of movement. - Key W - jump - Press the Space key to shoot. For mobile/tablet controls: - Direction arrows and two buttons for shooting and jumping will be displayed on the screen.

Игра информације

Старосна Оцена
Подршка за ауторизацију
Турски, Енглески, Српски
Оријентација екрана
28. дец 2024.
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