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Nädip oýnamaly
If you were looking for a crossword puzzle to solve at your leisure, then you should like our application.
A bit of history (you might be interested).
The Scandinavian crosswords. They have become very popular due to the density of the crossword grid as opposed to the crossword grid. In it, if you guess the word, then more letters are opened in neighboring words.
Participate in the ranking of players and share your achievements. The crossword puzzles are updated every week.
Use crossword puzzles and get smarter!
Nädip oýnamaly
Every week we publish new crossword puzzles. Usually in the release of 10.
On the cover feed, choose the crossword puzzle you like and start solving. Your task is to solve as many crossword puzzles of the issue as possible.
Crossword grid control mechanics:
- Select a word by clicking on one of its letters
- Crossword grid can be zoomed (increased) and moved
- The hint button (bulb) on the keyboard reveals one letter.
Basically everything :-). Happy playing time.